Open Call: InProcess Residency at SPACE 2022

Applications now closed

Residency Period: 1 Sep  – 30 Nov 2022

Application Deadline: 13 March 2022 at 24:00 in Finnish time (GMT+2)

Open Call: The Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki, Saastamoinen Foundation and SPACE Residency Programme 2022/2023

The InProcess residency is conceived as a period of development, immersion and critical investigation. Practitioners will be selected in recognition of their proposal’s compatibility with the critical and experimental nature of the three-month residency structure, where the focus is on process over product. This residency is for artists that engage with technology in their practice and are excited about the prospect of three months in London to further this within a supported peer group. 

Emerging artists of any age who are MFA-alumni of the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki are invited to apply for the residency. The full grant funded by the Saastamoinen Foundation is c. €12,000 and it covers the following:

  • Accommodation for the duration of the residency period which includes an office/studio space in London Fields (Hackney) within a SPACE studio building
  • The selected artist will receive a living stipend (£750/month) and a production budget of up to £1,000 
  • An artist profile on SPACE website and bespoke online spaces for creating digital work
  • SPACE will offer opportunities for the artist to take part in a mentor-led artist peer group with SPACE artists working in the field of Art + Technology 
  • Monthly one-on-one mentoring sessions
  • Travel fees back and forth to London.

To apply, applicants must submit the following:

  • Full contact details (including telephone, email, mobile number and address) with a short presentation.
  • 1 x Proposal for new project or production to be developed or completed during the residency period: max 750 words. (In the proposal, please include a section on how this residency will fit within your practice and why this is a good time for you to be applying for it.)
  • 1 x Proposal for an artist-led workshop to investigate their subject collaboratively.
  • Examples of previous work: Max of 15 Images, 4 Video Links, sent as 1 PDF file, no larger than 5 Mb. (Please note that referring to website links will not be accepted as previous work material. Applicants must send a PDF portfolio). Please include the basic information about each work (year, technique, materials, measures/duration etc.)
  • Artist CV

More details on how to apply here.