SPACE Toolkit Professional Development Programme Spring 2018

February - April 2018

37 Queen Street
Colchester CO1 2PQ
Every first Thursday

SPACE Toolkit is a new professional development programme at the creative hub 37 Queen Street, Colchester. The programme presents a series of inspirational talks and workshops with artists, creative practitioners and industry experts, which provides participants with new ideas and practical skills.

Ticket includes complimentary drinks and networking after the talk.

Thu 1 Feb 18, 7-9pm
How to Self-Publish
Panel discussion
Book here

Thinking of starting a magazine or publishing a book? The session will present a range of experiences and provide practical tips on all aspects of self-publishing from raising funding, design, editing to distribution.
The panel includes:
Louisa Bailey – Publication Studio London
Luke Archer – Loupe Magazine
Rich With - Made in Leigh - Trawler Paper

Thu 1 Mar 18, 7-9pm
Applying to Funding, a practical guide
Practical advice from specialists
Book here

The session will present an overview on different funding opportunities for artists, creative practitioners, digital SMEs and start-ups, with practical advice on how to get your funding application right by representatives from Arts Council England and BEST Growth Hub.

Thu 5 Apr 18, 7-9pm
How to Sell Successfully
A workshop led by Kate Faragher/Genevieve Grant, beSpoke Skills
Book here

Who do you sell to? Why do they buy? How do you keep your customers coming back? Through a range of case studies and practical activities, participants will learn how to create their individual selling cycle, understand the “spectrum of intent” and improve their ability to attract, retain and deepen the selling relationship.


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