Performances: Rachel Cheung
‘A-B-C-D’ is a four-part installation performance, where the gallery becomes the artist’s ‘cold room’ for the production of four speculative art objects of the future : ‘A’ (AUTOMATION), ‘B’ (BOX), ‘C’(CONSERVE), ‘D’ (DISSOLVE).
The ‘specimens’ will be performed on these dates:
‘A’ (AUTOMATION): Thu 6 Dec, 8 – 8.30pm
‘B’ (BOX): Sat 15 Dec, 4.15 – 4.45pm (After Daniel Rourke’s talk)
‘C’ (CONSERVE): Fri 4 Jan 2019, 3 – 3.30pm
‘D’ (DISSOLVE): Fri 11 Jan 2019, 3 – 3.30pm
The making of each specimen in ‘A-B-C-D’ plays with the speculative futures of artists' spaces, considering the homogenisation of living and working spaces and the performative role of making art objects and artistic processes. The live performances look at the relationship between physical and virtual materials and the role of the human bodies within a performance space; playing between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ spaces, Cheung examines the position of the human body using choreographic and improvised movements that activate the installations. The residual actions left behind after the performances allows for speculation of imagined actions and methods. As these specimens are made in succession, they perhaps gradually indicate a pattern to predict the making of future objects.
Future SPACE
Paul Chapellier, Rachel Cheung, Anna Mikkola and MH Sarkis: 2068
Talk: Daniel Rourke: All organising is a form of science fiction
Maria de Lima and Nicole Morris: INGEST / digest / excrete
Jade Montserrat Rainbow Tribe: Affectionate Movement R&R
Bring Your Own Performance (BYOP)