Interactive Arts With Isadora Software

22 Jul - 25 Jul 2014

4 Day Course
Date: Tuesday 22nd July 2014 - Friday 25th July 2014
Times: 10.30am to 4.30pm
Price: £350
Instructor: Jamie Griffiths

Enquiries: 020 8525 4330 /

Designing an interactive performance system with Isadora software. 
Live control of digital media and data streams, use of handheld wireless controllers, DMX lighting, MIDI, Open Sound Control (OSC), video tracking using the kinect camera, syphon streams, 3D particle systems, projection mapping and recommended hardware solutions for live performance and installation designs. More details below. 

This four day intensive workshop with Jamie Griffiths is specifically designed as a fast-track entry into interactive performance design, using Isadora Software as the basis of a modular control system that expands to include other third party softwares. 

The workshop is frequently updated to include new developments such as Syphon video streaming, Infra Red & Kinect cameras for motion tracking and special effects. Third party softwares that offer significant advantages are also incorporated into the workshop, such as OSCulator (Mac), JunXion (Mac) and GlovePie (PC). 

The objective of the workshop is to introduce participants to the use of Isadora software as an interactive performance and design tool and to guide them towards its use in their own work. No previous programming experience is required. Isadora is graphical programming software that you build up with modules, without needing to learn complex programming languages. 

Whether you are a visual artist creating museum installations, vj, dj, singer, musician, lighting designer, performance artist, choreographer or filmmaker, the workshop frees you up from perceived programming limitations offering the skills needed to experiment with interactive live performance designs using Isadora software. 

Learn to harness the unlimited power of simple software tools for design and control of your digital interdisciplinary ideas. Participants learn how to build Isadora software designs, ending up with standalone performance ‘patches’ to take away with them, that can run in the free demo version of Isadora on a Mac or a PC. 

Jamie offers 6 months of follow up email consultations for all workshop participants and one-on-one consultation sessions throughout the workshop process. Jamie reserves the right to adjust the curriculum as needed on a daily basis, to best suit the particular needs of the workshop participants, however the below will serve as a guide to the daily delivery of skills and range of topics covered. Last minute topics are sometimes added, as new technologies can emerge overnight in the world of new media art and design.

“[Jamie’s work] is some of the best visual design work I have ever seen done with Isadora” 
Mark Coniglio. Creator of Isadora Software


DAY ONE: Interactive design concepts, hardware options, setting up the Isadora Interface, useful third party softwares (OSCulator, JunXion, GlovePie), using numbers for control of digital media and interactivity, camera vision, video processing and effects, Freeframe plugins, multiple live camera inputs, 2D & 3D options for control of digital media, outputting to multiple video projectors and multi-channel sound systems. 

DAY TWO: Effective show control using Isadora’s scenes and custom control panels, 
Core Image and Core Audio, live sound inputs, sound analysis, sound triggers, Quartz Composer plugins, hardware and software connections using MIDI and OSC (Open Sound Control), wireless and gestural controllers (eg Wii, smartphones, LeapMotion), generating live text (as video content) or for data strings.


DAY THREE: Video tracking, motion triggers, color tracking (chroma keying), luminance enhanced tracking, advanced video capture control, video buffers & delays, Kinect camera (depth-mapped blob tracking), Syphon video streams, streamlining your design with Isadora user actors. 

DAY FOUR: Infra Red tracking tips for the theatrical stage, Skeleton tracking using NiMate Delicode & OSC, networking data between computers, 3D particle systems, projection mapping (eg onto complex objects, architectural shapes), connecting serial devices (eg arduino board for controlling electronics), DMX lighting control with Lanbox or Enttec hardware. 

About Jamie Griffiths
“[Jamie’s work] is some of the best visual design work I have ever seen done with Isadora” 
Mark Coniglio. Creator of Isadora Software

Jamie Griffiths is an interdisciplinary artist working with cameras, performance & interactive digital media. Jamie designs custom tools such as her ‘videmote’ interactive video-spotlight, a pseudo-robot called I.V.Y. and a wireless multi-media performance instrument called I.T. Early photographic portraits in the outsider cultures of the 1990’s morphed into experiments with therapeutic photography, as well as self portraits exploring personal transformation & metaphysics. Jamie’s latest works explore neo-colonialism, deep ecology & trans-species consciousness, working with photography, video and exeperimental technologies, particularly in outdoor environments as well as a prototype for interactive 3D video projections for theatre, designed in collaboration with mathematician, Rob Scharein.

Jamie presents lectures and workshops at universities and colleges worldwide, and is currently a guest lecturer at the University of Brighton.

Who should attend?
No prior programming experience is needed, but you do require basic/intermediate computer skills in either PC or Mac in order to be able to navigate easily through your directories and install software. If you are not sure if you qualify, please email Jamie

Photo Credits: 
Photos 1, 3, 4 by Jamie Griffiths
Photos 2, 5, 6, 7 by by Michi Meier