NUKE Advanced
10 Day Course
Date: Anytime
Times: 10.00am to 5.00pm
Price: £150.00
Instructor: Self-Learning
Course Setup
This course consists of 10 video-based lessons. Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes in duration and most include supplementary files and footage.
This course can be taken at any time - for instance every day for 10 days, or once a week for 10 weeks.
Nuke was originally developed for in-house use by Digital Domain, the effects house for over 60 major films. They won Academy Awards for their work on “Titanic” and “What Dreams May Come,” as well as nominations for “Apollo 13,” “True Lies,” and “I, Robot.”
This advanced Nuke course is designed as the followup to our Nuke intermediate level course.
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Camera Tracker
This lesson will focus on NukeX's camera tracker and how to harness it's power in the real world.
Lesson 2: Nuke's 3D system
Creating geometry, placing it it properly in 3D space, projection work and a look at the LensDistortion node.
Lesson 3: More 3D Camera Tracker and Projection work
including how to fix some common problems and setting up your script for easier repeatable tasks.
Lesson 4: Advanced Gizmo / Tool Creation
An introduction to python expressions as well as sky replacement, colour work and lots of bullet hits.
Lesson 5: Multi-pass Compositing
Part 1 of a 2 part class focusing on a production shot from the film "Moving Day". Work includes lots of practical element manipulation, multi pass compositing and advanced solutions to common tracking problems.
Lesson 6: Multi-pass Compositing
Part 2 of a 2 part class focusing on a production shot from the film "Moving Day". Work includes lots of practical element manipulation, multi pass compositing and some neat depth and perspective tricks.
Lesson 7: Digital climate control
A lesson in compositing as much as it is in image processing. You will take a shot 180 degrees from burning desert to icy tundra. Part 1 of 2
Lesson 8: Digital climate control
Part 2 of 2. A lesson in compositing as much as it is in image processing. We'll take a shot 180 degrees from burning desert to icy tundra.
Lesson 9: Point clouds and poisson meshes.
Two of the most useful and powerful tools in Nuke which will make your comp life all the better for knowing them.
Lesson 10: Round-up of previous lessons
0208 525 4330