Openlab Workshops – One Button Objects
A combination workshop/competition to see who can build the most creative device using only a single button for user interaction.
The competition has now closed.
The Idea:
A one-button object embodies the most minimal aspect of interactive design. We guide you through 5 weeks of designing and building your one-button device through a series of guided workshops. At the end, the best two devices (as decided by participants and instructors) will be displayed as part of the AND Festival in Manchester.
We Provide:
We will provide some useful electronics (plenty of LEDs, resistors, servos, motors, capacitors, etc) inspirational examples, and 5 weeks of hands-on expertise to help guide you through the development of your one-button object.
You Provide:
A creative idea, and anything else you require - feathers, knitted objects that can fit buttons inside, LED matrix, solenoids, motors, speakers. We'll help you choose them based on your project.
You also should have some basic familiarity with Arduino (or basic electronics, if you don't plan on using one). If you know how to program your Arduino to blink an LED, you're all set.
What Is A One Button Object?
It has a single button.
When that button is pushed, something happens.
It is a fully self-contained physical object, meaning there isn't anything unintentionally external to the installation such as a computer, TV, synthesizer, toaster, etc.
It is a work of art; a game; a toy; a useful tool; a nihilistic statement of futility.
Ok, But WHAT?!
Maybe you'd like a more concrete example of what these can be like this
We were very inspired by Montreal-based video games collective Kokoromi and CreateDigitalMusic's One Button Games challenge earlier this year, and are thankful that we have their blessing to run this event! We were also inspired by Gamasutra's excellent article on designing one-button games.
This competition is organized in a very large part by Cybersonica.
The workshops will take place every Wednesday night from 7pm - 9.45pm from September 1st until September 29th 2010, in the mediaLab at SPACE. That's five Wednesdays in total.