Redesigning the Practice of Everyday Life – workshop
The White Building
Sat 29 Oct, 1 -5pm
FREE, please RSVP here
The Internet of Things: Routine/Ritual and Domestic Space
Redesigning the Practice of Everyday will explore the acts that people use to connect to their homes, their objects and each other and how the Internet of Things could change our daily lives and personal space. During this workshop we will explore what we mean by home, routines and rituals and how technology can change what we do, how we do it and our relationships to our spaces, objects and people. We will ask how this will change when we live with sensing, data processing and acting objects that will make up what is known as the Internet of Things.
We will work together to investigate these aspects and their effects through discussions, drawing, making and playing card games and performance. These activities will use a range of approaches to lead to insightful outcomes and give participants an insight into this new transformative technology. The outcomes of this workshop will help to show what is important to people in a user centred Internet of Things, providing a path to show where the boundaries of experience and convenience lie and a starting point to explore and prototype physical experimental objects in the next phase.
The workshop is designed to develop your daily practices and understanding of the implications of this type of technology through challenges, games and inspirational materials.
Please bring one object that is key to one of your personal routines or rituals. This can be anything (except a mobile phone) from a mundane everyday act to a meaningful, less frequent event.
Initiated by Michael Kann in partnership with SPACE Art + Technology.
Kindly supported by the Royal College of Art, London