Kernel //// Utility Models: Georgios Papadopoulos
As part of their new series of collaborations “Utility Models”, art collective KERNEL present a talk by economist and philosopher Georgios Papadopoulos on his 2011 book “Notes Towards a Critique of Money”.
Friday 17 Feb, 6.30pm - 8pm
SPACE, 129 - 131 Mare Street, Hackney, E8 3RH
Free entry
“Notes Towards a Critique of Money” elaborates on the functions of money by analysing the market as a cultural system that produces meaning through value and regulates the constitution of subjectivity in production and consumption. Combining Lacanian psychoanalysis and Baudrillardian structuralism, the book creates a universe where price and sign are entangled. Here, money signifies the particular content that hegemonises the universal ideological construction of capitalism, providing a particular and accessible meaning to economic value, which colours the very universality of the system of prices and accounts for its efficiency.
The presentation will touch on the ideological, systemic and abstract function of economy in the contemporary juncture of financial collapse and intensified social antagonism, looking at the current developments in Athens, one of the most visible epicentres of the financial crisis.
Bio: Georgios Papadopoulos works as an economist and as a philosopher. He holds a Master in Philosophy of the Social Sciences from the London School of Economics and he is pursuing his PhD in Philosophy and Economics at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He is currently on a research residency at the Vilém Flusser Archive in the School of Fine Arts in Berlin. His first book, Notes Towards a Critique of Money (2011), is published by the Jan Van Eyck Academy.
KERNEL is an art collective that was created in 2009 in Athens by architect Pegy Zali and artists Petros Moris and Theodoros Giannakis. Their work develops through the creation of hybrid installations and events, artistic and scientific research collaborations and the organization of curatorial projects.