(Dis)Assembling #Stacktivism – A Salon
Wednesday 15 October, 6.30pm – 9.00pm at The Goethe – Institut Library.
Kindly supported by The Goethe Institut as part of the ongoing INFRA_SPECTION Residency Programme at The White Building.
/// Booking essential. Tickets available here ///
The network artifact #stacktivism was initially launched into the Twitter-sphere as an attempt to generate debate around, and give critical form to the emergent conversations and line of enquiries around infrastructures and the relationship we have to them. In association with the Goethe-Institut, Assembling #stacktivism – A Salon sees the gathering of a diverse group of people to discuss and respond to the provocation of #stacktivism and its broader contexts.
Panelists Include:
Kari Altmann (Artist in Residence at The White Building)
Paul Raven (University of Sheffield)
For further information, please contact Rachel Falconer, Head of Art and Technology: rachel@spacestudios.org.uk