Very Very Far Away
The White Building
Sat 20 May, 11am - 6pm
£12, con. £7
Book here
Advances in technology are bridging the terrestrial and the unknown. Allowing us to travel into the farthest depths of space and the imagination. We will develop fictions, future potentials rooted in a solid reality, taking us on a journey from the possible, through the plausible, preferable (or not) and into the future!
We will be designing fictional worlds, as such the most important thing is each individual’s perspective and experience, interests and angle that they bring to the conversation. Throughout this process we will explore and appraise our discoveries, investigating the potential of emerging technologies to add legitimacy and truth to our speculations.
Over the course of the day using a critical design process, mapping thought tangents based on disciplined speculation, we will conjure timelines for alternative, or possible futures. Working with the collective experience of the group we will develop detailed narratives within these worlds and create audio recordings telling the stories we uncover. These are then used as a narrative medium to collectively imagine and develop new scenarios exploring current developments in space exploration, exploitation and the human factors and motivations involved in these pursuits.
These narratives will go on to be developed further as part of the VVFA podcast series, launched autumn 2016, by Andrew and Sitraka in collaboration with LA based artist Jasmin Blasco and broadcast on
What does it mean to venture into the Very Very Far Away? VVFA is part of the Fabricating Fictions series of workshops and co-enquiries started by Andrew Friend and Sitraka Rakotoniaina in 2015 incorporating workshops with SPACE in London, and also across Europe in Paris, Berlin with the School of Ma, and with Arduino in Turin.
Andrew Friend and Sitraka Rakotoniaina met whilst studying Design Interactions at the Royal college of Art. With backgrounds in interaction design and architecture they craft narratives through the conception and creation of machines, devices, installations, sets and photographs, exploring the intersection of Art, Science and Technology. Andrew and Sitraka are currently postgraduate thesis lecturers at Ravensbourne and studio leaders in the Department of Spatial Practices at Central St Martins in London.
Further reading here