The Creative Space at Arlington 2012 – 13
The Creative Space is one of twelve artist studios run by SPACE at Arlington, homeless people’s hostel in Camden. It is a unique studio space for the residents to use and provides a programme of creative workshops.
Ania Dabrowska ran the Creative Space in her studio as artist in residence, inviting residents to take part in weekly workshops. Together they explored thoughts and feelings about homelessness and living at Arlington, using photography as the creative means of expressing emerging themes, both individual and shared.
Residents, and also staff, participated in Arlington Portraits, a series of photographs produced by the artist over four months which became a public exhibition in the summer of 2011.
“I must tell you how important these sessions are to us, and how much you are changing the lives of people who are taking part. People have to be ready to take a step forward within themselves. Those who do, get so much out of it…”
– Regular Creative Space participant