The Creative Space at Arlington 2013
Poet and spoken word performer Stephanie Sonority Turner ran The Writing Corner workshops. As well as recording ‘talking stories’, participants told their own stories through making visual poetry inspired by William Burroughs’ Cut-Up methods and the Blackout poetry of artist Austin Kleon.
Clare Fry combined narrative, devising, making and puppetry in her drama workshops which explored notions of ‘My Place, My Space’, both inside Arlington and outside on the streets of Camden.
the drawing shed (artists Sally Labern, Bobby Lloyd and Joseph Kopiel) delivered The Irregular Bulletin with residents using text and screen- printing to transfer expressions/stories of residence informed by identity, culture and personal experiences. The ‘bulletins’ were created in a number of formats including newspaper headlines, posters, placards, banners, printed T-shirts and clothing.
The artists created a community workshop atmosphere around the ideological concept of ‘the Irregular Bulletin’ – inspired by avant garde artists and drawing from popular culture and radical forms of poetry.
“I’ve discovered that I have an interest in art and talent! I take inspiration from other people and I gain knowledge from looking at the artists (Corita, William Morris, William Burroughs) and I develop ideas from things I see around me. I think a lot so I reckon I’m a conceptual artist!”
– Richard, participant