MyZine with Artist Tamu Nkiwane
MyZine is the result of a lockdown project led by artist Tamu Nkiwane and a group of young people in Redbridge during the Covid-19 pandemic. At a time when many felt isolated, and were sharing a sense of anxiety and unease about the future, this Learning & Participation project provided opportunities for fun and self-expression, connecting young people with creative possibilities.
In the early days of lockdown, as no one was able to travel or even leave home SPACE organised art materials to be delivered direct to each participant’s home. The result is a glorious 180 page publication containing drawings, paintings, poems and stories from 11 – 18 year olds who are members of the Redbridge Youth Council, the Youth Service, as well as Child Friendly Redbridge Ambassadors.
You can view the full online version of Myzine here.
Tamu Nkiwane devised, designed and produced Myzine, adding his own work as well as that of visiting artists Richard Ikhide and Eric Telfort.
Thanks to Raina Gee, Redbridge Youth Involvement Worker, Nazmul Haque, Policy and Project Officer, and Vanessa Brennan from the Youth Service for their support.
About the artist
Tamu Nkiwane (London, 1990) says ‘In my practice I work with a wide range of materials: found objects, digital images, sound, video, performance and writing. I try to create connecting stories and a shared visual universe. I show this by using old applications such as old film cameras, writing from hand and old computer game visuals. My work explores themes of identity, social interaction, history and spiritualism through these means.’
Recent solo exhibitions include Zabludowicz Collection, London and National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo. Selected performances and group exhibitions include BBC New Creatives, Artagon Site de Montmartre, Kaunas Biennale, ICA London, White Crypt Gallery London, Swansong, Petites Serres Paris, Café OTO, London. Nkiwane holds an MA in Painting from the Royal College of Art, London and is the recipient of the following awards: Villiers David Travel Award, Artagon III award and Leverhulme Scholarship and Lucy Halford Bursary Fund for Royal College of Art. He is also a SPACE Ilford Patrons & Friends Studio Bursary awardee for 2019.
About the participants
The project participants are the UNICEF Child Friendly Redbridge Ambassadors, who are aged 11–16yrs and represent each secondary school in Redbridge. The Ambassadors and Deputy Ambassadors were elected by their peers to provide a voice and shape the work the Council will undertake as part of the Child Friendly Redbridge Programme, which seeks to put the voice of children and young people at the heart of policy and service design. During this pandemic, the Ambassadors have, amongst other things, helped produce videos on the importance of social distancing and a survey on the priorities for young people during this difficult time. Their input will prove invaluable as we begin to return to a ‘new normal’ over the coming months. To find out more about the Child Friendly Redbridge programme visit
Myzine was commissioned by SPACE and funded by ACE, with additional support from the London Youth Leaders’ scheme.