Re-Imagining The Perfect Human – workshop
The White Building
28 Nov – 29 Nov 2015
Sat: 10am – 8pm
Sun: 10am – 8pm
Book workshop tickets here
Takram Academy at SPACE prototype semester is a series of workshops that will foreground a programme that merges speculative design practices, technology and innovation starting in April 2016. The first workshop in this introduction series will bring together multidisciplinary practitioners to encourage skills exchange and network building within a critical framework between research and practice.
The first event in this series is ‘Re-Imagining The Perfect Human’, a weekend long workshop to analyse, deconstruct, challenge and transform Jørgen Leth’s depiction of The Perfect Human. Participants of the programme will work in groups to question and design a sequence of the 1967 short film The Perfect Human: A detached observation of a man and a woman ‘functioning’ in a white boundless room. In this setting, both the idea as well as the representation of The Perfect Human will be questioned and reconstructed using performance, film, animation and simulation techniques. As a re-imagining of story and format, participants will discover both individual and collaborative methods that blend research and practice. The event will conclude with an open showcase & discussion event of the work produced in The White Building.
Takram Academy weekend aims to explore how narratives and aesthetic qualities such as abstraction, ambiguity and estrangement can be used to propose alternative and imagined worlds in ways that invite people to engage with them.
This event is the beginning of a collaboration with Takram London, a new breed of design lab that blends professional practice and design education. Lukas Franciszkiewicz, designer and co-founder of Takram London, will guide you through the process of re defining a new normal, suspending disbelief, aesthetic speculation and constructing alternative realities.
Bring a laptop with film editing software
Prior to the workshop
One week before the weekend, key texts and research questions will be shared with the participants
Introduction by Lukas Franciszkiewicz and group allocation
Constructing A New Normal
Scenario presentations & drinks
Aesthetic Speculation
Prep and Fab
Drinks & Showcase