Dean Baldwin

1 Apr – 1 Sep 2009


Dean Baldwin lives and works in Toronto. He completed a BFA at York University, Toronto and an MFA at the University of Concordia, Montreal.

At the beginning of June 2009, Baldwin directed Reverse Pedagogy 2 at the 53rd Venice biennale where he led a group of artists in canoes on a canal voyage. This same group lived communally for the first 10 days of the biennale in a 16th century Venetian Palazzo, using this environment as their own art school. They determined their activities as a collective, and exchanged methods and ideas.

As part of Canadian Pavillions opening event, Baldwin staged his Algonquin Tiki Tiki Hut - an installation that doubles conveniently as a bar.

Whilst in residence at SPACE Baldwin reconstructed his MiniBar as part of the launch of the NEU programme in September. The MiniBar is an installation that again, works as a genuine bar with alcohol, music, socialising etc, but scaled down in size which creates "a welcoming but somewhat claustrophobic Alice in Wonderland environment”’ Dean Baldwin

His recent projects include; Sweet Dreams for Nuit Blanche at the JMB Gallery, Toronto; Seducing Down the Door for Mercer Union, and Never Been to Tehran for venues in Iran, Turkey, Denmark, New Zealand, Germany and the USA.

Since 2003 SPACE has hosted the Canada Council for the Arts International Residency programme in London. The programme was created to help Canadian artists develop, promote and distribute their work internationally. The residency provides the expenses, travel, production costs and residency fees for two Canadian artists a year to live and work in London for six months.

Links to recent projects: