Hackney Honey at SPACE

At SPACE we are doing our bit to help the honey bee.

It has been said that, "If the bees disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years left of life."

With the UK honey bee population at an all time low - it has been estimated that 70% of them have vanished - our honey bees need a helping hand.

In light of this here at SPACE, as part of our PERMACULTURES programme, we're doing our bit to help the honey bee out. SPACE are now hosting a beehive on our roof terrace, managed by Mikey Tomkins. The hive is run as a Community Supported Agriculture project, for more information go to www.mikeytomkins.co.uk

Urban beehives produce excellent honey, in 2003 honey from London won first prize in the National Honey Show, so who knows, SPACE could soon be producing first class honey!

For more information about urban honey have a look at:

