River Roding Trust community events

Various dates in February 2023
Various locations along the River Roding

The Friends of the River Roding and the whole community welcome you to a series of events this February where you can have fun, get stuck in and start making the banks of the Roding in Ilford a better place for nature and people. Click on the links below to find out more:


The River Roding has had an enigmatic settlement of large houseboats at Barking’s town quay for 20 years. We’re so grateful for your support in helping us to continue to protect and improve our river. Sewage overflows still discharge directly into freshwater, plastic  accumulates in our rivers, while sediments suffocate the flora and fauna which call them home. Only 14% of rivers and lakes in England are in good health by the Environment Agency. We want to change that. We can make our rivers a safer, cleaner place for people to swim, kayak, fish and play.