Stop Motion Animation Masterclass

2 Jun – 17 Jun 2014

3 Evening Course
Date: Tuesday 03 - 17 June 2014
Times: 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Price: £80.00
Instructor: Markus Soukup

During the three workshop sessions you will learn:

- introduction to basic understanding of animation principles
- how to plan and storyboard a time-based project 
- to set up and create your own stop motion animation project
- how to do a basic video edit and finalize (render) your project

Further information can be provided based on participants interests & questions.
(for instance about how to embed sound or build an animation based on a sound track or how to publish the animation via Vimeo) 

To attend the workshop you can just turn up.
But if you have a digital camera (can be also a mobile phone, which enables uploading of the material to a computer) please bring it, as it might be useful for you to work with your own equipment. 

Computers can be provided by Space, but feel free to bring your own laptop if you have / like.

At the end of the workshop you will have produced a short animated video (probably between of 1 - 2 minutes of length).

Basic structure of the workshop:

session 1 / Introduction:
- principles of animation
- presentation of some examples
- story boarding
- project planning

session 2 / Production of material
- recording of footage

session 3 / Finalizing
- editing
- export final animations
- showcase of produced animations

Each student will be provided with their own workstation and can discuss any specific areas of interest they may have toward the end of each day with the tutor.


020 8525 4330