You are Here: Art After the Internet


You are Here: Art After the Internet, edited by Omar Kholeif, based on SPACE Art + Technology Programme at The White Building.
Co-publication between SPACE and Cornerhouse. ISBN 978-0-9569571-7-7

You Are Here: Art After the Internet was originally co-published between Cornerhouse and Space, London.

Artists: James Richards, Jamie Shovlin, Jeremy Bailey, Jon Rafman
Authors: Sam Ashby, Sophia Al-Maria, Stephanie Bailey, Erika Balsom, Zach Blas, James Bridle, Jennifer Chan, Tyler Coburn, Michael Connor, Jesse Darling, Brian Droitcour, Constant Dullaart, Ed Halter, Omar Kholeif, Gene McHugh, Basak Senova, Brad Troemel, Lucia Pietroiusti, Model Court, Basel Abbas and Ruanne Abou-Rahme, Jeremy Bailey, James Richards
Editor: Omar Kholeif

Its timely publication in 2014 and its quality contents has proved rather popular over the last 3 years, and we’ve now reprinted three times, due to very popular demand. It’s had some pretty good reviews along the way:

‘Curator and editor Omar Kholief’s recent book of essays and projects from artists has perfectly captured how artists have engaged with the context of the internet. Demonstrating how far things have come from ravers in their bedroom making DIY music on their desktops.‘ – Francesca Gavin, Visual Arts Editor, Dazed and Confused

You Are Here is the best anything I’ve read in ages …and I’m jealous I’m not a contributor. I really loved it. It’s a joy to see new green shoots of cultural tendencies emerging from barren soil.’ – Douglas Coupland, Artist and Author, Generation X

A book of ideas to tear through hungrily and re-read slow.’ – Kate Taylor, Programmer, BFI London Film Festival


AQNB review