Michele Del Campo Prize winner at the RSMA annual exhibition

19 Oct 2012

SPACE artist awarded the Winsor and Newton Oil Prize at the annual exhibition of the Royal Society of Marine Artists

Michele Del Campo:

I am delighted that my painting "The Abandonment" has been awarded the Winsor and Newton Oil Prize at the annual exhibition of the Royal Society of Marine Artists. There were more than 500 submissions to the competition this year and seven prizes on stake. The Abandonment is being exhibited at the Mall Gallery in London until 28th October together with beautiful works of art from well-known artists of the RSMA and from the open submission. If you pass by, please do not forget that not far from the Mall Gallery there is also my big quadriptych "Consuming Desire" on show at the same time at the Imago Art Gallery, in 4 Clifford Street.

Del Campo's work will be exhibited at:

The Mall (near Trafalgar Square)
London, SW1
Wed 17 - Sun 28 October 2012 
10am-5pm including weekends
 (Sunday 28 closes at 1pm)