Bow Power: Plant Hydration Kits

December 2018

Young people at Bow School are working with artists, creative technologists and older local residents to create gadgets that can detect when a plant needs watering. The special kits will be able to sense when the soil becomes too dry, sending a signal which lights up an LED display. Pots of herbs grown by the students will be kept alive using the kits - as soon as the LED display lights up, they will know that the plant needs topping up.

The project is part of SPACE's Learning programme and is being delivered by artists Liat Wassershtrom, Emilie Giles and Ani Passarelli alongside local older residents group, The Geezers.

Bow Power brings together plant cultivation with the spirit of contemporary ‘hacking’ culture. It aims to bring closed-loop cycles, where things are infinitely recycled, to a school and home environment. To complete the closed-loop cycle in this project, The Geezers and the young people will harvest their herbs for cooking and sharing at the Bow Power Party. 


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