CLAS: Creative Learning in Artists’ Studios

2011 – 2019
SPACE studio sites

CLAS (Creative Learning in Artists’ Studios) is a participatory art project connecting the unique learning resource of studios directly to schools.

It’s goal is to put creativity and creative learning at the heart of the curriculum:

− Providing professional development for teachers and artists
− Developing pupils’ creative skills, knowledge and confidence for use across the curriculum
− Creating stronger, local creative connections and new resources

We have been piloting CLAS with Hackney schools and SPACE artists in their studios before delivering a full three-year programme in more of the nine London boroughs in which we have artists’ studios. Below is an out line of the pilot project:

Phase One, Summer 2011
• Hackney Free & Parochial BTEC students and Manifold artist collective at Timber Wharf Studios, E2
• Stoke Newington School and artist Claire Roberston, Eastway Laundry Studios E9

Phase 2, Winter 2011
• The Urswick School and artist Vasiliki Gkotski at Deborah House Studios, E9
• Andy D’Cruz & Jonathan Hogg (Output Arts) at Stoke Newington Library Studios, N16

CLAS Artist
“Working with Year 10 … has also helped me re-engage with my own studio practice and I am interested in pursuing further pedagogical research instigated by the residency”. 

Teacher, Hackney Free & Parochial Secondary School
“I was interested in transforming the learning space in order to facilitate more effective teaching and learning”. 

Year 10 GCSE and BTEC students, Hackney Free & Parochial and Stoke Newington Secondary Schools
“Studio felt more real, it was a better atmosphere, a better space, more exciting.”
“We had more room to explore with materials – there was more of a group feeling in the studio – rather than being told what to do.”

Project Evaluation
Dennis Atkinson and Steve Hearne, Goldsmiths University, are carrying out the evaluation of CLAS.

CLAS is funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Esmee Fairbairn Foundation