Lab Central art and digital – schools’ residency
Output Arts (Jonathan Hogg and Andy D’Cruz) have been selected to deliver ‘PROTOCOL’ with The Ursuline Academy and Seven Kings School in Ilford, LB Redbridge.
Using low-tech materials and simple digital making techniques they are exploring the history of communication technology, drawing a line through this to the modern digital world, from cup-and-string to digital packet-switched networks. Along the way they are looking at Morse code and emoji, and constructing primitive telegraphs and telephones.
The Lab Central Schools’ Residency engages with schools through workshops and events and provides a platform for learning enhanced digital programming skills. The programme aims to improve the economic and life chances of young people, and in particular, girls, with a focus on STEAM activity.
Lab Central is a new open plan space dedicated to digital technologies on the ground floor of Redbridge Central Library where you can meet, create, learn, collaborate and innovate.
Alongside Protocol, The Lab Central Arts programme presents a new temporary public art commission for Ilford, O.T.968 by Stefan Reiss, 15 – 24 March 2018.
Learning is working in partnership with Vision Redbridge Culture & Leisure. The programme is supported by Arts Council England Libraries: Opportunities for Everyone Innovation Fund.