Lisa Penny, Floorr magazine interview

10 April 2023

“Whilst the male figures I paint are outwardly masculine with ripped bodies and rock-hard ‘guns’, it’s questioning what masculinity means today. The figures I paint are almost comic in some ways and often vulnerable.”

Lisa Penny was selected for an interview with Floorr magazine, an online publication, featuring interviews with: Gideon Appah @appah_gideon / Kylie Manning @manningkylie / William Cobbing @william.cobbing / Deborah Segun @deborah_jayde Josh C. Wright @joshcwright / Arthur Laidlaw @arthurlaidlaw / Peter The Roman @peter_the_roman / Jon Kipps @jonkipps / Alex Schechter @jaschechter / Qin Tan @qinntann / Liam Mertens @lsmertens / Lisa Penny @lisa_penny_artist

Read the full interview here.