People Power Exhibition 2016: Build Your Own Flag Workshop

5 November 2016

Sat 5 Nov, 12 – 4pm
SPACE Mare Street
FREE, please register here

3 – 5 Nov, daily 3 – 6pm

Migration and the people on the move are, and will be in the future, a major driver of social and cultural change. But how do people keep hold of their identity – cultural traditions and other data when moving from one location to another? How can cultural artefacts promote social interaction and togetherness?

How would you design a flag for a welcoming community in which locals and migrants exchange and embrace diverse cultures?

Join People Power artists Rike Glaser, Namunn Zimmermann, Adam Blencowe and Thor ter Kulve to design your own flag with a message.

You will have the opportunity to learn about dadaist techniques such as collage making and exquisite corpse as well as the symbolic meaning of flags through creative exercises such as sketching and cutting.


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