New Crane and Metropolitan Wharves, Wapping

82 Wapping Wall, E1

Wapping Artists Open Studios Exhibitions 1979 – 1985

  • 55 Wapping Artists Open Studios Exhibition 7-9 July 1979;
  • Wapping Artists 1981: Open Studio Exhibition Catalogue for 82 Wapping Wall and New Crane Wharf, 172 Garnet Street, E1, 4-6 July 1981.
    Sponsored by BP, Capital Radio, The Baring Foundation, Saatchi & Saatchi Co. Ltd., Sotheby’s, Greater London Arts Association.
  • 1982 Wapping Artists Exhibition Catalogue with introduction by William Packer.
  • 12 – 16 Sept 1985 The Last Wapping Show: New Crane Wharf, Garnet Street & Space Studios, 82 Wapping Wall, London E1. Catalogue introduction by  Rebecca Hossack, Exhibition Organiser – Wapping: Past, Present and Fuschia; and Edward Lucie-Smith.Exhibiting artists: Julie Allen, Sharon Aivaliotis, Elton Bash, John Bicknell, Rosalind Bieber, Maurice Blik, David Brown, Andreas Christou, Robert Clarke, Shelagh Cluett, John Copnall, Berenice Cowan, Gary Curson, John Edwards, Belinda Ellis, Adrian Everitt, Rima Farah & Kevin Jackson, Chloë Fremantle, Tony Gammidge, Charles Garrad, Faith Gillespie, Virginia Gordon, Christian Grandjean, Paul Green, Maty Grünberg, Kim Gunter, Jon Hale, John Hooper, Louisa Hutchinson, John Hutton, Jonathan Hynd, Gillian Ingham, Kapil Jariwala, Ingrid Kerma, Rembert Langham, Jim Latter, Suzanne Le Blanc, Mary Jo Major, Sarah Miatt, Lorraine Molins, Michael Monk, Peter Morgan, Paul Moriarty, Janet Nathan, Paul Norton, Maureen O’Connell, Ken Oliver, Chris Orr, Jeff Perks, Cherry Pickles, Alexander Ramsay, Keith Reeves, Ian Robertson, Varlerie Robertson, Marie Rodgers, Marlowe Russell, Michael Shaugnessy, Amanda Smith, Trevor Sutton, Judith Symons, Richard Taffs, Andrea Tana, John Thompson, Paul Tonkin, Roy Voss, Jo Walter, Stuart Welch, Craig Westlake, Anthony Whishaw, Jon Whitaker, Paul Wilson, Richard Strange.

    Sponsors: Regalian Properties plc, Lightplan Consultants Ltd, Merck Sharp & Dohme (Europe) Inc, Christies, with assistance from Christies Fine Art Course, Gobart Display Ltd, Group 4 Total Security Ltd, London Docklands Development Corporation, Roger Malcolm Construction Ltd, Woods River Services, Browns South Molton Street plus an anonymous donor. Sponsorhip by Regalian Properties plc was recognised by an award under the Minister for the Arts’ Business Sponsorship Incentive Scheme administered by ABSA.

Location map
Studio 5, 351sqft — £572