An Introduction to Cinema 4D

9 Feb 2014

1 Day Course
Date: Sunday 9 February 2014
Times: 10.30am to 4.30pm
Price: £100.00
Instructor: Paul Gillespie

Cinema 4D is a excellent 3D software program that has fantastic integration with Photoshop and Aftereffects. This course will give you a solid beginners introduction and show you why the program is so popular with graphic designers and animators. 

Students should already have some experience with Photoshop or AfterEffects, or both and have an interest in understanding the basis of 3D graphics.

Course outline

Introduction to the concepts of 3D design
• Overview 
• The Project window
• The File, Edit, Views Managers
• Menus
• The Axes, Scale, Rotate and Move tools
• The Camera and Object views
• Customising the palettes

Creating a project
• Creating an object
• Adjusting the size and type
• Manipulating your object
• Creating and applying textures
• Mapping
• Rendering to disc or to screen

Intro to Animation
• Setting keyframes
• Creating an animation path for your object
• Animating the camera
• Rendering the animation

Creating more complex objects
• Adding and extruding text
• The Texture manager
• Texture mapping types
• Creating and understanding splines
• Connecting objects to splines
• What can be animated
• Adding animation tracks to your project
• Rendering your project to different formats

The course aim is to give an introduction to Cinema 4D while covering the essential topics when learning 3D design. It will teach beginners creative techniques and look at how both modelling and animation can be integrated with After Effects. It will also cover Cinema 4D and Photoshop integration and will give the user tricks and techniques to improve their work flow.

Each student will be provided with their own workstation and can discuss any specific areas of interest they may have toward the end of each day with the tutor.


020 8525 4330