Arduino and Pure Data

11 Mar 2015

Dates: Wednesdays 11-25 March 2015
Times: 7:00-9:00pm
Price: £120


Are you are musician or sound artist interested in making your own physical interfaces for sound? Then this workshop will be the perfect introduction to working with the audio programming environment Pure Data and electronics with Arduino.

Over 3 evenings this workshop will introduce how to work with Arduino, Pure Data and how to get both talking to each other. All materials, including Arduinos, are available for you to borrow during the workshop.

You will need to bring your own laptop, but contact Codasign if you need to borrow a computer.

About Codasign:
Codasign is an eduction company that designs technology workshops for art galleries and museums. We believe coding and electronics can be powerful tools for artists and designers and want to make it accessible to all.

Be creative with technology!