Processing and Arduino

22 May 2013 - 05 June 2013

4 Days
Date: Wednesday 22 May to 5 June 2013
Times: 7pm - 09:30pm
Price: from £89
Instructor: codasign

Processing is an open source arts programming language and platform for creating interactive software. Arduino is an open source hardware platform that has been developed alongside Processing. The two work well together which means you can create software that interacts with the physical world or sensors that control software running on a computer!

This workshop will give an introduction to working with Processing and Arduino. No previous programming knowledge or experience with electronics is needed.

What will you do and learn?
You will learn what Processing is and get a taste of what it can do. You will be introduced to computer programming and create desktop applications that interactively generate visuals/images. You will also learn the basics of electricity and circuits and what an Arduino can do. You will work with several sensors like knobs and buttons and actuators like LEDs. You will use an Arduino to translate a real-world action like turning a knob into a visual effect in Processing.

What do you need to already know?
You don’t need any previous experience with programming or electronics. We’ll be starting from the very beginning!

What do you need to bring?
Though not necessary, you are welcome to bring your own computer. If you bring your own computer, download and install the Processing and Arduino development environments.

You may also bring your own Arduino, but we will also have them available to use during the workshop.

What will be available during the workshop?
You are welcome to bring your own computer or can use one of the iMacs available in the SPACE Media Lab. If you bring your own computer, download and install the Processing and Arduino development environments.

Tea and coffee will be available during the workshop.


020 8525 4330