Stereoscopic compositing with Nuke – Advanced

5 Sep – 16 Dec 2011

10 Day Course
Date: Anytime
Times: 10.00am to 5.00pm
Price: £150.00
Instructor: Self-Learning

Course Setup
This course consists of 10 video-based lessons. Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes in duration and most include supplementary files and footage.
This course can be taken at any time - for instance every day for 10 days, or once a week for 10 weeks.

An in-depth and intricate look at full stereo production exercises. Based around the Foundry’s Masterclass Series, you will be taken through a stereo project in intricate depth from a raw plate through a variety of stereo production techniques including Ocula, Camera Projection, UV Mapping, Keying, 3d Texture Painting for compositors, Camera Tracking, Depth Grading and clean up.

Course Content

Lesson 1: An introduction to the shot that will be worked on throughout the course. We’ll look at the shoot material and assess the plates for in-camera issues. We’ll then go through the workflow for the shot and what needs to be done to the plate before handing it off to other departments. This will include lens distortion and several methods of approaching a global colour match. 

Lesson 2: Moving onto 3d Camera Projection and UV Projection to remove lens flares and grip equipment. Through these techniques you will learn how fixing one eye with projection we get the fix for the other eye for free.

Lesson 3: A more in-depth examination of the plate fixing process. We’ll be removing lens flares and grip equipment, and fixing polarisation issues.

Lesson 4: Ready. Set. Paint! We’ll be looking at paint, roto and keying in stereo.

Lesson 5: Using Maya to layout the scene. We begin with a 10 min intro to Maya for total beginners and then move on to organising the geometry before FBX exporting it into Nuke. We then rebuild the scene in Nuke and learn to set up Image planes to match the way we are working in Maya.

Lesson 6: This week we first setup our past script as a precomp and then move on to writing a python tool to speed up our workflow. Following this we delve into UV space with a quick explanation of its principals and then a demonstration of how we can take advantage of it Nuke. We then finish up with our road extension.

Lesson 7: This week we pick up from last weeks look into Nuke’s UV Space by learning how we can incorporate 3d texture painting software such as Mudbox into our workflow. We then move over to Maya to see how we can make out Occlusion Maps into UV space. We then take a look at how these elements go together to make a fully UV asset in Nuke.

Lesson 8: This week, we finish up learning the techniques required to allow students to move on with the rest of the shot. This includes finishing up the topic of UV, layering up some CG renders and taking a look at a collection of extra assets and how they are put together.

Lesson 9: This week we learn how to finish our stereo shot. We learn how to do our depth grade using Ocula and discuss the application of grain in stereo shots. We also learn some magic using ST Maps!

Lesson 10: In the final class we take a look at Camera Tracking our stereo shot inside of Nuke. We go through the iterative process of getting a good solve and also discuss the relationship between the focal length and our film back.


0208 525 4330