Workshop: Self Plasticity
Thu 23 Aug, 7 – 9pm
SPACE Mare Street
£7 / 5 Tickets here
In this workshop we will explore the plasticity of our visual and physical self, reflecting on what the self is and the limits of this concept. As a group, we will explore the experience of being embodied in different visual and digital representations with varying physical interactivity.
In games and other immersive experiences we regularly take on the body of another – but what is the effect of this on our sense and notion of self and others? Can the experience of being embodied in abstract shapes and ecosystems take our mind outside of individualistic thinking?
Together as a group we will explore the limits of “bodily” ownership and explore the experience of having an exceptional and uncanny physicality.
As part of the discussion, we will explore what it means to be embodied, how the illusions are created as well, as theories on the dialogical self and embodied cognition.
The workshop will include examples of embodiment in VR in the VIVE headset.
Clarice Hilton is an artist and programmer interested in exploring our interactions in the virtual world. She has been selected for SPACE’s Art + Technology residency Focus: Next starting in September. Clarice has previously worked on immersive VR experiences with BBC, Anagram, as well as creating experiments at UCL. Her practice uses playful alternate realities to explore deep questions about human nature, the self and human relationships.