Feminist Duration Reading Group: Women Acting Collectively

9 June 2018

Sat 9 Jun, 2-4pm
Mountford Growing Community, Hackney
Free & all open to all – please register here

The event is part of #AntiUniversity2018 and involves reading out loud, in turn, as a group, an extract from an Italian feminist text, and a shared exploration of the issues that it raises through gentle and respectful group discussion. The text describes 'the practice of doing' in a chapter dealing with how women who may not share ties of politics, family or friendship can become unified by the shared implementation of a common project to which each has a commitment. The session will relate the separatist, gender-specific focus of 1970s and 80s Italian feminisms to current considerations of gender fluidity and femme-identification.

The text (which will be provided on the day) is taken from: The Milan Women's Bookstore Collective, Sexual Difference: A Theory of Social- Symbolic Practice, trans. Patricia Cicogna and Teresa de Lauretis, (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1987).

Mountford Community Centre
Mountford Community Hall, Mountford Estate
Cromer Terrrace, London E8 2HL
the corner of Downs Park Road and Cecilia Road next to Cromer Terrace

Childcare is available from 2-4pm, organised onsite by members of the Feminist Duration Reading Group who are DBS certified. Please follow the 'Contact the Organiser' link to book a place, stating the age of child/children.

The creche is coordinated by Working Group member Angelica Bolletinari, together with Samantha Lippett. 

This event is part of the Antiuniversity Now festival 9-15 June 2018. See the full programme

The session will be led by artist and Feminist Duration Working Group member Sabrina Fuller. It is hosted by Rose Gibbs at the Mountford Growing Community, which seeks to strengthen community cohesion and health through activities including gardening, growing vegetables, community meals, recipe swapping days and the creation of a community cookbook. 

The Feminist Duration Reading Group focuses on under-known and under-appreciated feminist texts, movements, and struggles from outside the Anglo-American feminist tradition. Started at Goldsmiths, University of London, in March 2015, since July 2015 it has been generously hosted by SPACE, 129-131 Mare Street in Hackney.                                                                                     

The group generally meets once a month, alternately on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm at SPACE, and the first Saturday of the month at 4pm a non-institutional venue.Details of previous meetings can be found on the right-hand panel. 

The Feminist Duration Reading Group welcomes feminists of all genders and generations to explore the legacy and resonance of art, thinking and collective practice from earlier periods of feminism, in dialogue with contemporary practices and movements. It is led by the Feminist Duration Working Group whose current members are Giulia Antonioli, Angelica Bollettinari, Lina Džuverović, Sabrina Fuller, Lily Hall, Félicie Kertudo, Mariana Lemos, Roisin O’Sullivan, Sara Paiola, Helena Reckitt, and Justin Seng.  

If you would like to join the reading group mailing list, propose a focus for a subsequent session, or invite us to lead a meeting, please write to feministduration@gmail.com