The Creative Space at Arlington Case Study
Ex-resident Suban returns to Arlington as a volunteer for the art project that helped change her life…
Suban lived at Arlington for two years, where she discovered her creative talent on the Creative Space programme. It gave her the confidence to pursue her passion further by enrolling on the Art & Design course at the Working Men’s College.
Suban was born in Somalia but grew up in Holland. She moved to the UK with her young daughter in 2003, fleeing years of domestic violence and abuse from both her ex-husband and father. Suban is now happily settled in her own flat and has reunited with her daughter.
She has returned to Arlington as a volunteer at the Creative Space workshops, inspiring others to enjoy art on the programme that helped change her life. She said:
“The Creative Space is very important to me because I can get involved and it helps me in a therapeutic way. I find art very soothing. I just forget about the problems around me and try to help the other clients that partake. I’ve been coming here for a long time and I like to help.
“The programme helped me to go to college and pursue more art. Without the programme I wouldn’t have had the bravery to go and do it.
The Creative Space has made a major difference to my life. It helped me be a different person. I am more positive and more open. It has freed me and made me more ambitious. I now go home and do more painting and go to the library and get art books. I also go to museums and art galleries a lot too. I’m more aware of what’s going on. Before that I didn’t do anything. Art changed me.”
The programme is run in partnership with Arlington, supported by One Housing Group.