Cat Phillipps, TRAPPED
1 Jun – 4 Jul 2024, Sat & Sun 12 – 6 and by appointment
Martello Street
Studio 4, Martello Street, London Fields E8
Open: Sat & Sun 12 – 6pm and by appointment Mon – Fri
With uncanny timing, as seen on streets all around the country, the younger half of kennardphillipps, Cat Phillipps, has gone feral and attacked the subject with a ferocity unseen in painting in over half a century.
TRAPPED promises works and a view on a process never seen before, whilst somehow echoes come to mind of great troublemakers and masters in art down through the centuries.
Enter the studio for a wild and intelligent reset to help propel you through these generally dismal days. Come and have the wax wiped from your eyes.
Instagram: @catphillipps