Brickfield Studios, Studio 113

half share of 308ft² — £261pcm

Sub-let and share adverts are advertised by the tenant of the studio and you must contact them directly for further information as per the instructions given.

Brickfield Studios, E3, Studio 113

Self contained 316 sq/ft studio (@ £523 per month) to share with one other artist.

Half share cost – £261 per month. Includes fast broadband. Electricity is billed separately according to usage.

1st floor studio with very good natural light and high ceilings.
West-facing window and large skylight, all fitted with blackout blinds for use of projectors etc..
Built-in Air conditioning and heater.
Long desk/ worktop area.
Built-in storage and shelving.
Car parking and bike store.
Easy access via loading bay and alarms on all doors, 24hr access.
Communal kitchen.

Half share @ £261 per month.
Flexibility with how the space is used / Opportunity to timeshare.

Available from start of April 2025

Please contact Luke:

About Brickfield Studios

Brickfield Studios is a former print factory that housed the Socialist WorkerMorning Star and Private Eye (with loading bays marked accordingly) – it has been fully refurbished to provide 50 studios over 2 floors. Brickfield was a freehold purchase in 2014 and completed and let to artists in early 2015. Set in ‘the last patch of the old East End’, it is sited near the Limehouse Cut in an area of factories and garages.  There is also a growing community of artists with the ACAVA Limehouse Arts building nearby and ASC studios on Empson Street.

Location map
Studio 201, 353sqft — £600 Studio 204, 278sqft — £473 Studio 113, half share of 308sqft — £261 Studio 111, Share of 405sqft — £350 Studio 107 - share, share of 600sqft — £250
Studio 4g, 352sqft — £764 Studio 8g, 300sqft — £330
Studio 15,, share of 322sqft — £330 Studio 10, 120+sqft — £411.02
Studio 12, share of 400 sqft — £275
Studio 1a, 419sqft — £697 Studio 2, 829sqft — £990 Studio 35, half share of 389sqft — £260
Studio 5, 351sqft — £572
34 new studios, varioussqft — £
Studio 11e, 150sqft — £385 Studio 11c, 153sqft — £285 Studio 114, 223 sqft — £250 Studio 114, 223 sqft — £395