Discover and download the individual episodes below.
Out of SPACE is a podcast series featuring artists from across SPACE’s studios and networks in conversation with writers, critics and other art professionals. Launched in 2021, the podcast explores the theme of care from multiple viewpoints, ranging from artists and parenthood, to caring about the community and about the work itself.
Launched in October 2022, Artonomics is a special series of 4 episodes produced in collaboration with a-n that offers insight into how artists make a living, from practical matters relating to selling and funding artwork, to questions of self-worth and self-promotion and the pros and cons of gallery representation.
Out of SPACE is hosted by artist/curator Cathy Lomax. Listen on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and your web browser.
Out of SPACE | Care S2, E7: How to show your work

Out of SPACE | Care S2, E6: How to carry on practising

Out of SPACE | Care S2, E5: Mental resilience – how to maintain your art practice and your mental health

Out of SPACE | S2, E1 ‘Artonomics’: Supporting a multi-faceted practice

Out of SPACE | S2, E2 ‘Artonomics’: Art as commodity

Out of SPACE | S2, E3 ‘Artonomics’: Alternative models and independence

Out of SPACE | S2, E4 ‘Artonomics’: Fame and fortune

Out of SPACE | Care S1, E9: What next?

Out of SPACE | Care S1, E1: Art and caring

Out of SPACE | Care S1, E2: TCB (Taking Care of Business)

Out of SPACE | Care S1, E3: The message

Out of SPACE | Care S1, E4: Looking after the art

Out of SPACE | Care S1, E5: Carefree

Out of SPACE | Care S1, E6: Walking the line: between copy and remake

Out of SPACE | Care S1, E7: Presentation

Out of SPACE | Care S1, E8: Community